
purchase key on keyboard

What are Australian tax issues for a business accepting cryptocurrency?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. More and more these days Australians have cryptocurrency and are looking at ways to spend it. Some businesses are seeing this as a […]

close up photo of a tax return document

What are Australian tax issues for receiving cryptocurrency as part of a salary?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. Some Australians have begun to receive cryptocurrency as part of their salary. This is relatively common for those who have found employment in […]

a crypto investor and his laptop

How is cryptocurrency taxed within superannuation?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. Every year Australians save thousands of dollars in tax by investing through superannuation fund accounts. How? Because earnings made within superannuation benefit from […]


Is my cryptocurrency taxed when I die?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. You’ve done everything you can to make sure your loved ones know how to access your cryptocurrency when you die. But what about […]

glasses magnifying a newspaper article

What are Australian tax issues for cryptocurrency investors?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. Alright, so you’re into cryptocurrency investing, or about to get started. Let’s look into the income tax issues. Firstly, are you an investor […]

crypto coins and taxes

What are Australian tax issues for cryptocurrency traders?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. A cryptocurrency trader in the eyes of the tax law is essentially anyone buying and selling cryptocurrency regularly with the intention to profit […]

comparing to bitcoins depicted as a % symbol

When are cryptocurrency gains tax-free in Australia (personal use)?

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. In very limited circumstances cryptocurrency gains are tax-free. If you acquired cryptocurrency as an investment or part of a business (e.g. mining/trading), then […]

farmer sitting on a hay ball

What Are Your Lifestyle Goals?

When you decided to take on the farm, you knew it was a lifestyle choice. Early mornings, and long days outside. Demanding physical work, hats and dusty boots. The sun, the rain, the freedom to be your own person. Independence, ingenuity and isolation – no rat race for you or your family. You live by […]

famer checking his phone outside, harvester in the background

Six Reasons To Replace Your Accountant

How long do you believe it takes to form a habit? A month, six weeks, six months or a year? Well the answer is often simply: the next time you do the same thing. That could be the next day or even later the same day. We are after all, creatures of habit. And so […]

wheat field with farmer

What’s The Plan If You Can No Longer Work?

When you are young life seems to stretch out in front of you – and it seems like you have an almost infinite amount of time at your disposal. You are strong and healthy and not much threatens that feeling of invincibility. Plenty of time to achieve any ambitions, and in any case, you can’t […]

farmers on field with farming equipment

Six Key Elements Of A Farm Succession Plan

Getting any succession plan right is important, but farming succession plans have complexities not seen elsewhere because of the many and varied vested interests of family members. Financial and emotional ties that bind a family together but equally can break both the family and the business if not recognized and treated properly in the family […]

two famers stand in a crop field

How To Run A Family Meeting About The Hard Stuff

One of the key components in the process to formulate your family farm succession plan is the family meeting. You need this because everyone involved should be on board with the plan otherwise all you have is a piece of paper. But get this wrong and you may not even get as far as the […]

definition of divorce in a lexicon

Saving Tax on Divorce

Divorce, as we know, is unfortunately all too common. It’s a stressful time with emotions running high, which in turn can lead to significant legal and accounting fees being incurred haggling over the division of assets. I have become recently involved in a divorce matter, whereby it has been dragging on now for over four […]

Fraud in Your Business

Sadly, it is not uncommon to hear about fraud affecting small and larger businesses alike.  I have certainly heard a few stories over the years!  And fraud doesn’t discriminate, it can happen anywhere, anytime, no matter how big or small your business is.  For every minute fraud goes undiscovered, your business pays! So what do […]

family farm accountant

Six Questions To Ask Your Accountant

When you ask someone you are meeting for the first time what he/she does for a living and he tells you that he is an accountant, what images go through your mind? Ok don’t answer that! We know that a lot of the time you are probably thinking tax, accounting, compliance – that sort of […]

parent with his two kids

Six Questions To Ask Your Family Tonight

Ok, so you don’t have to ask all of these questions tonight, but do ask them sometime in the near future. This can be informal, and make it clear that you won’t necessarily have an immediate response, but that you will take their answers seriously. Try not to debate the answers you receive, although further […]

two farmers and their crops in bright sunlight

Why Your Kids Will Never Run The Farm As Well As You Do

Succession in a family business of any sort is fraught with difficulty, and generational change does not always mean a successful continuation of the business. That’s a well known fact. And when it comes to farming businesses, there are special circumstances that come into play because the business is so personal. After all, your business […]

farmer overseeing his farmland

Why You Can’t Be Fair No Matter How Hard You Try

You will no doubt be familiar with the plaintive cry of a child – it’s not fair! Politicians like to talk about “a fair go” and you have probably spent your life trying to deal fairly with people. It may well be the most universally accepted ideal we have in society, but achieving fairness can […]

two farmers walk trough a crop field

Are Accountants Failing Farmers?

At first glance you may think that it is a bit strange to ask if accountants are failing farmers and you might be quick to answer: no! Your accountant delivers what you have asked him to do for more years than you care to remember and apart from his fee, there’s not been much to […]

farmer looking out of car window, red car

Who’s The Weakest Link In Your Farming Business?

There’s not much you don’t know about farming and you know your farm like the back of your hand. You grew up on the farm and worked hard to help your father back in the day.  He taught you much of what you know, but you also studied hard when the time came and you […]

a visit to the station

A Visit to the Station

I was invited to visit with one of our long standing station clients last week, ostensibly to start the process on how and when to hand on the station business to the next generation. For our client, they had been mulling over this dilemma for quite some time and they were unsure on what steps […]