
cogs of the machine

Las Máquinas

So here is what I Googled: “what is ‘the machines’ in Spanish?” and the answer I received instantly was: “The machines – Las máquinas”.  And just below that, was a preview of a translation service website: “The new machine helps us do the work much faster.  La nueva máquina nos ayuda a hacer el trabajo mucho más rápido.” […]

tax problems

Taxation of Bitcoin in Australia

The content in this article is provided for general information purposes and is not tax, legal, investment or other professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any decision. Bitcoin is off to the moon and many people are sitting on some handsome profits. How do I know this? Well, just three […]

business migrant working on computer

Coming to Australia as a Business Migrant

The Australian Government welcomes business migrants and recognizes their contribution to local employment and the economy.  Perth, as one of the world’s most livable and globally connected cities, has a dynamic business environment and is the home city of a third of ASX listed companies.  It is also located in the same time zone as […]

downturn clip art

Coping with Downturn

Like everything in life, there will be highs and lows and business is no exception. When business declines, you may instinctively cut costs, but there may be other actions you could take and some of the following may be helpful in a downturn. Promotional Strategies Put some time and effort into broadcasting your value proposition […]

a tale of two farming neighbours

A Tale of Two Farming Neighbours

It’s no secret that country communities are often very close and that friendships lasting a lifetime are formed.  Neighbours tend to have similar aspirations when it comes to the farming business and they endure the same hardships.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean that neighbours will take the same approach to the business itself and some […]

lightbulb idea

The Suggestion Box

There was a time when businesses were largely “top-down” affairs run by managers who knew how to run things.  They had the knowledge, the experience, the education and so on and it was their job.  Employees lower down the ranks were expected to follow instructions and customers were expected to choose from products or services […]