Superannuation on Payday: A Key Change for Employers from 2026 (Oct 24 Tax Update)

Relevant For:

Business owners and payroll administrators.

Key Points:

  • From 1 July 2026, superannuation guarantee contributions must be made on payday, not quarterly.
  • A seven-day deadline will apply for contributions to reach super funds.
  • SG penalties will increase for repeated non-compliance.
  • Single Touch Payroll will include super liabilities.
  • Small Business Superannuation Clearing House will retire in 2026.

Full Article:

The Australian government has announced an important reform as part of its 2023–2024 Federal Budget: "payday super".

From 1 July 2026, employers will need to make superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions practically each time they pay their employees’ ordinary time earnings (OTE), rather than quarterly. This will tighten up the timeline for contributions to reach superannuation funds and could change the way many businesses manage their payroll obligations.

The new system will require super contributions to be paid within seven calendar days of the OTE payment date. There will be limited exceptions for small or irregular payments outside normal pay cycles and for new employees starting work.

For employers failing to meet the payday super obligations, the penalties will be more severe, particularly for repeat offenders

A key update is

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